Our Mission

To transform people into the divine nature of Jesus Christ by the word, knowledge, and love of God. Therefore, we are escaping worldly lust and being set free by the Holy Spirit to become more and more excellent, victorious, and powerful. God's way is the only way.

Our Hours

Monday and Wednesday: 2-6 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m.-noon

Meal Hours:
Monday and Wednesday: 5-6 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday: noon-1 p.m.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Upcoming and ongoing events of interest

Memorial Day Picnic Monday, May 31 at Kilbourne Park
To recognize the sacrifices made by so many throughout our country's history there will be a community Memorial Day picnic.

Come around 11 am to get a table or to spread your blanket. Please bring your table settings and drinks for your family or to share with others.

There will be all manner of picnic food, games for your family, and good fellowship with your neighbors and friends.

We hope there will be a crowd of people to share the day, the food, and the fun.
In case of rain picnic will be held in the dining room downstairs at God's Way, 1629 Des Moines Street.

Community Garden between 4th and 5th streets on High Street, behind St. John's Church.

Planting is nearly completed on the half of the 40' X 100' garden devoted to the Soup Kitchen. There are plots still available to the general public and planting time is growing short. If you would like to have a garden plot of your own, contact Meg Oliver-Mills or give us a call at 524-8329 and we will put you in touch with her. The size of your plot is up to you.

The hard work of maintaining the garden is about to begin. If you are a weeder or a waterer, we are looking for you.

Sale on the Parking Lot a flea market for everyone.

If you have a few items you would like to sell, but not enough to hold a yard sale; if you don't want to bother with a yard sale of your own, we have a solution for you.

We are having a parking lot sale on Saturday, June 19 from 9 am until 1 pm. We will rent a table to you for $10. You keep all proceeds from your sale and the table rent goes to the Pastor's Aid Committee.

You may split the rent on a table with a friend; you may rent as many tables as you need. We have available 12 double tables and 3 smaller single tables. Tables are available on a first come, first served basis.
Give us a call at 524-8329 and leave your name and number.
The more tables we rent, the more shoppers we will attract. Tell your friends who may want to be involved.

In case of rain the sale will be downstairs in the dining room.

God's Way Christian Center has instituted a Job Solutions Program.
You have jobs that need to be done; we have people who need work.

We offer economical rates and fine workers who take pride in working for you. Some of the services we offer:

  • House Cleaning-scheduled or by the job
  • Car detailing (you must be able to deliver and pick up your vehicle)
  • Yard Mowing and clean-up-scheduled or by the job.
  • Hauling Service to the landfill
  • Small Catering-single meals to small parties
  • Clerical-get caught up with your typing or filing

Call us at the center to make an appointment with our workers.

Items our clients have requested.

If you have any of these items you need to dispose of, we will give you a tax receipt for them and give them a good home.

  • Beds-we always have call for beds of any size including cribs
  • Furniture-although we cannot store furniture on site, we will put you in touch with someone who needs you old but still serviceable furniture
  • Disposable Diapers-an always needed item
  • Bedding-sheets and spreads, pillows
  • A car seat for an infant

For larger items which we cannot store we will put you in touch with the person who needs the item.