Our Mission

To transform people into the divine nature of Jesus Christ by the word, knowledge, and love of God. Therefore, we are escaping worldly lust and being set free by the Holy Spirit to become more and more excellent, victorious, and powerful. God's way is the only way.

Our Hours

Monday and Wednesday: 2-6 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m.-noon

Meal Hours:
Monday and Wednesday: 5-6 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday: noon-1 p.m.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Busy, busy, busy--join us!

This Saturday, April 24 there will be a basement sale / bake sale/ car wash held at God's Way Christian Center at 1629 Des Moines Street. You can shop for clothes, knick knacks, household goods, and delicious goodies while the center's crack carwash / detail crew give your car a quick vacuum and wash if you choose, for a free-will offering.
Proceeds go to the SuperKids Academy's summer trip to AdventureLand.
We hope you will stop by Saturday between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. for a good time and a shiny car.

The community garden is coming together. We have a 40' x 100' plot behind St. John's Church at 4th and Concert Streets half of which will grow food for the soup kitchen and Tristan House homeless shelter. The other half is to be divided into plots of various sizes which can be claimed by any person or group who would like to grow their own veggies and fruits.
We will break ground very soon and planting can begin immediately after. There are many businesses and City offices giving of time and material to make this garden happen. If you would like to claim a plot contact Meg Oliver-Mills at molivermills at mchsi dot com. (Replace at with @, and dot with . so Meg does not gather spammers from having her e-mail address posted here.)