Our Mission

To transform people into the divine nature of Jesus Christ by the word, knowledge, and love of God. Therefore, we are escaping worldly lust and being set free by the Holy Spirit to become more and more excellent, victorious, and powerful. God's way is the only way.

Our Hours

Monday and Wednesday: 2-6 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m.-noon

Meal Hours:
Monday and Wednesday: 5-6 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday: noon-1 p.m.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Next Week's Changes

We will be open next week, March 29 through April 2, during regular hours. However, we will not be serving meals. We still have clothing and groceries available, we will take phone calls and receive donated goods. Only meals will be missing.

April 5 we will be back serving meals again.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring Forward

Now that spring is just around the corner, we are receiving clothing appropriate to that season. Gone are the heavy sweaters, the coats and snow boots. Drop by and see what we have! Feel free to bring in lighter weight clothing that you are not going to use this year.

This Friday, March 19 is Family Fun Night at God's Way. There will be something for everyone to enjoy. You will be able to have snacks and watch movies. There will be games for the kids and for the adults. Family Fun Night is always a good time for everyone and we hope to see you there. The fun begins at 7 p.m.

Again this year we are hosting an Easter Egg Hunt at St. Johns Church. It will be held March 27 from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. Bring the family and have some fun with friends.

As always, anyone may come to the Center during regular hours for groceries and clothing, and Monday through Thursday for a meal during serving hours.

Drop in for services or just to visit and let us get to know you.